Our non-profit thrift shop supports Missions through Mennonite Central Committee. Every month, we also support a local non-profit.
We are full of wonderful thrift bargains. Every week, something new is on sale. Donations are in abundance! It's a great day to go thrifting.
We are a non-profit Thrift Shop with proceeds benefiting Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC brings relief, development and peace in the name of Christ throughout the world. We are part of MCC's Thrift network, with 106 shops in the US and Canada. It provides support to MCC missionaries.
We also give back a portion of our proceeds every month to local non-profits. Non-profits such as YFC, Safe Family Coalition, Loving Hands, Sarasota Medical Pregnancy Center, The Twig, Gator Wilderness Camp and others benefit from your shopping.
Our excess merchandise is shared with others less fortunate than us. Every three weeks we send a trailer load to one of three missions: two Haitian churches down in the sugar cane Everglades area and a thrift shop in Wauchula.
RE-USE, RECYCLE, REFURBISH, keep it out of the landfill and be good to the environment. We are a thrift store full of bargains that does just that. Clothing, Furniture, Household goods and so much more! Discounts change weekly.
We count on you! We love our thrift customers! We love our thrift shop donors! We cannot function without your donations. And it's our volunteers that make the magic happen! Join us! You make World's Attic a great thrift shop in Sarasota. Many thanks to all of you!
For up-to-date Sale News, get on our mailing list. You can sign up at the Shop or email us and we will add you.
Every week a new color is on sale for 50% off. We color-code so our items don't stay in the shop very long. After 50% off, items go to the BARGAIN BASEMENT, AKA the Dollar Rack.
FLASH SALES -50% off: Every week will be featuring different items on sale for 50% off.
WHOLE STORE-50% OFF SALES: We do this every few months. Our next sale is no scheduled. Join our mailing list to find out when.
Restore, re-use, recycle -World's Attic Thrift Shop can help!
We have a donation drive-through! Please, only GENTLY USED ITEMS! If you wouldn' give it to your sister, don't give it to us!
We are thankful because your donations make our thrift shop thrive! We couldn't do it without you!
We reserve the right to close the donation drive-through at any time, if we get too full! It's a safety concern. Thanks for understanding.
We will happily pick up your gently used furniture for free. Please, no stains or damage of any kind, no smoking or pets. We may be thrift but we are A QUALITY THRIFT SHOP. Call 941-330-0065. No charge for pick-ups.
World's Attic Thrift Shop could not function without our Volunteers!
All it takes is to fill out an application. Come in to World's Attic Thrift Shop today to pick one up. Call 941-330-0065 with any questions.
Shifts are once a week for half a day. You just might like it enough to do more!
The work will be FUN! Sort thrift donations, clean items, price items, put on the floor. We will train you but it's easy. Enjoy the company of others while serving. Get first look at new thrift items and 20% off all your purchases.
World's Attic Thrift Shop will be glad to help with this. Call 941-330.0065.
World's Attic is a non profit Thrift Shop & qualifies for Bright Futures volunteer hours. Call 941-330.0065.
Every week a different color tag goes on sale at 50% off! Flash Sales are happening each week also. Join our mailing list to find out what's on sale.
Join our mailing list to find out what's on sale.
World's Attic Thrift Shop - recycle, re-use, re-purpose and love people.
Come see our Thrift Shop at 700 N. Beneva Rd. Sarasota, 34232.
Open today | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
World's Attic Thrift Shop - Recycle, Re-Use, Re-Purpose & Love People
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events. A bargain can always be found at our thrift store.